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Circular Impact

The city of London take the lead !

The guidance document explains how to prepare a Circular Economy Statement as required by draft London Plan Policy SI7. The guidance has been developed with industry, for industry, and has involved extensive collaboration and testing with developers, architects, engineers, contractors, suppliers and other specialist consultants. Developers are already putting the guidance into practice.

This guidance document show one more time the involvement on London to build and develop the city differently : build wiser!

A Circular Economy Statement should be submitted, to demonstrate:

● How all materials arising from demolition and remediation works will be re-used and/or recycled;

● How the proposal’s design and construction will reduce material demands and enable building materials, components and products to be disassembled and re-used at the end of their useful life;

Opportunities for managing as much waste as possible on site;

● Adequate and easily accessible storage space and collection systems to support recycling and re-use;

● How much waste the proposal is expected to generate, and how and where

the waste will be managed in accordance with the waste hierarchy;

● How performance will be monitored and reported.

At Circular Impact we therefore wish to applaud most warmly this initiative !



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