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How to Build Sustainable, Healthy, and Profitable Office Buildings

Circular Impact

Updated: Jun 2, 2020

In this Archdaily article , Tamas Niczki describe the 10 simple steps to make a sustainable office building . For interior his recommendations are clear :

"One of the most productive ways to cut down material and embodied carbon is to design a building that can be easily adapted to different circumstances and future tenant scenarios. By preparing for flexible floor divisions with strategically positioned cores, adequately sized support spaces, and independently accessible tenant areas, building owners will save significant costs and construction time when it comes time to turn over these spaces."

There are opportunities to eliminate, reduce and reuse materials at every project stage. However, they are most significant at the earlier stages of a project such as options appraisal and outline design. Therefore the client needs to instruct their project team to design with adaptable products and include them in the tender/contract specification.. Wherever possible, a project’s design should do the following:

  • consider using off-site construction, which generally minimises waste production both on site and off site

  • identify ways of reducing wastage rates on construction materials (e.g. by minimizing the need for off-cuts)

  • select materials and components with low maintenance requirements, long in-service life and easy refurbishment; and

  • enable facilities managers and building occupants to minimise and segregate operational waste once a new facility is in use.

Few manufacturers has those concepts build in their DNA. For exemple the french manufacturer CERENN specialized in relocatable partitions, with its two factories in Champagne and in Alsace, has become an indisputable leader on its French market. Perpetuating all the know-how of its two historic trades: the aluminum partition and the steel partition. Innovation and design have helped them improve these unique techniques in the design and installation of relocatable partition that can be moved easily and without decreasing their technical acoustic performances .

CERENN partner recently with CIRCULAR IMPACT to promote circular office fit out over the world and export their know how.

Even on small projects, it is worth spending some time to think about the major sources of waste and how waste can be avoided or materials reused in the design. As the project progresses and design and materials have been determined, the focus moves to ensuring the contractor minimises wastage during construction and that their waste contractor gets maximum value from recovered materials and minimises disposal costs.



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